The information presented on this website comes from a variety of sources: most are public, some private. Most come from original documents rather than interviews or memoirs. Many are held in published or publicly-available sources.
I am reluctant in this essentially temporary medium to quote chapter and verse about these sources. History is a competitive sport: some students and academics are only too keen to take a short cut by plundering the research efforts of others and claiming it as their own. When this project takes more concrete form my sources will be published in greater detail.
Some source-materials, mostly logbooks and diaries, are in private hands. To ensure their privacy I shall not identify online those individuals who have been generous with their own documents and time, but I very much appreciate their assistance: more personal thanks will be possible in print. The same principle applies for individuals or members of staff in the organisations listed below. Without their assistance my investigations would not have been possible.
- The Air Historical Branch, Royal Air Force
- The British Library, London
- The Bodleian Library, Oxford
- The Centre for Historical Research and Documentation on War and Contemporary Society (CEGESOMA), Brussels
- The Imperial War Museum, London
- The National Archives (TNA), Kew
- The Royal Air Force Historical Society
- The Royal Air Force Museum Library and Reading Room, Hendon
- The online forum ‘Royal Air Force Commands‘
- Les Services Historique de la Défense, Vincennes, Paris
- The Tempsford Veterans and Relatives Association (TVARA).
- Pierre Tillet’s Plan Sussex 1944 website. Pierre frequently-updates his PDF document of ‘Infiltrations into France 1940-45’.