For anyone who thinks I sit at home churning out each post to a deadline set by the inexorable march of the calendar, I’m afraid I get the technology to do the dirty work. So far as I can, I write each post in advance of the publication date, well in advance if possible. I set the publication date and time to coincide with the actual event, or the first event if more than a single event is in one post, and let the WordPress software do the rest. I do not make allowances for the differences in time-regimes: broadly-speaking, UK local time in 1940 and 1941 was one hour ahead of GMT for much of the year, with a relatively short period of Double Summer Time in the high summer to help get the harvest in; every bushel of grain grown here was a bushel that didn’t need to be brought from the New World, and every shipload of grain saved could be replaced with war materiel.
While I say in my introduction that every post is published on the anniversary of the date and time of the original, this is true as far as ‘future’ events are concerned. I will not publish a post in advance of the event anniversary. But I may backfill the story, providing greater breadth rather than depth. Aside from everything else, new facts have a habit of emerging unexpectedly. The software allows me to add these items after the event, but with a publication date that matches the original event rather than the add-in-date.
I also have to apologise for my inability to change the publication date from the 2015-2017 anniversaries. In order to be able to pre-load events I have to stick to the modern calendar. Once the sequence is complete, however, I can set each date to the 1940s, as the relative dates and times will preserve the sequence. That is, until 2020 when I will run the sequence again for the 80th anniversaries. You have been warned!