Wednesday, 31 July 1940

RAF Silloth, Cumberland (now Cumbria)

The duty defence pilot, Sergeant-Pilot JCW Parrott, is briefed by the Duty Officer, F/Lt Moody, when an unidentified Whitley is spotted in the vicinity. F/Lt Moody passes on to Sgt Parrott the Station Commander’s verbal instructions to shoot the Whitley down if it fails to identify itself, or will not be forced down. It appears that Sgt Parrott was not required to take off and intercept the Whitley, but Moody’s briefing will prove crucial to an incident that takes place five days later.

RAF Ringway

From the Ringway ORB: ‘Lieut. LIVERSAGE, after visiting War Office, arranged for instruction of special personnel, to report at Central Landing School, probably fortnightly.’